When filing for an NYC film permit, you typically need to notify neighboring residents and businesses if your filming activities are expected to directly impact them. This notification requirement is part of the permit application process and is designed to inform and mitigate potential disruptions to the surrounding community.

The specific requirements for notifying neighbors may vary depending on the size and scope of the production, as well as the locations involved. However, common practices include:

  1. Door-to-Door Notices: For larger-scale productions or filming activities that may cause significant disruptions, filmmakers may be required to distribute door-to-door notices to residents and businesses in the vicinity of the filming location. These notices typically provide details about the dates, times, and nature of the filming activities, as well as contact information for the production company or location manager.

  2. Signage: In addition to door-to-door notices, filmmakers may be required to post signage in the area surrounding the filming location to alert passersby and residents to the upcoming filming activities. These signs often include similar information to the door-to-door notices and serve to provide additional notice to the community.

  3. Community Meetings: In some cases, filmmakers may be required or encouraged to hold community meetings or information sessions to discuss the filming activities with local residents and address any concerns or questions they may have. This can help foster positive relationships between filmmakers and the community and facilitate smoother filming operations.

It's important for filmmakers to consult with the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) or other relevant city agencies to determine the specific notification requirements for their filming activities. Failure to comply with notification requirements could result in delays or complications in obtaining the necessary permits for filming.