In the film and photo industry, a location release is a legal document obtained from the owner or manager of a particular location, granting permission for filmmakers or photographers to use that location for their production purposes. This release typically outlines the terms and conditions under which the location can be used, including the duration of the shoot, any restrictions on access or activities, and any compensation or fees involved.

The purpose of a location release is to protect both parties involved in the production process. For the filmmakers or photographers, it ensures that they have the legal right to use the location without fear of being sued for trespassing or other legal issues. For the owner or manager of the location, it provides assurance that their property will be respected and that any potential damages or disruptions caused by the production will be addressed.

Location releases are especially important when filming or photographing on private property, such as a business, residence, or landmark, but they may also be necessary for certain public locations that have specific rules or regulations governing their use for commercial purposes. Without a location release, filmmakers or photographers risk facing legal consequences and may not be able to use the footage or images they capture in their projects.