Filming in parks in New York City is subject to regulations set by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks). Here are some general rules and guidelines for filming in NYC parks:

  1. Permit Requirement: In most cases, you will need a permit from NYC Parks to film in a city park. This applies to both commercial and non-commercial filming activities. Permit requirements vary depending on the size and scope of the production.

  2. Application Process: To obtain a permit for filming in an NYC park, you will need to submit an application to NYC Parks. The application typically includes information about the filming location, dates and times of filming, crew size, equipment, and other relevant details.

  3. Insurance: You may be required to provide proof of liability insurance as part of the permit application process. The insurance requirements vary depending on the specifics of the production and the locations involved.

  4. Fees: There may be fees associated with obtaining a filming permit for a park in NYC. The fees vary depending on factors such as the size and scope of the production, the duration of filming, and any special accommodations or services required.

  5. Restrictions: NYC Parks may impose certain restrictions on filming activities to protect park resources, ensure public safety, and minimize disruptions to park users. These restrictions may include limits on the number of crew members, restrictions on the use of certain equipment, and guidelines for protecting natural or historic resources.

  6. Park Hours: Filming activities are generally permitted during regular park hours, but special arrangements may be required for filming outside of normal operating hours or in certain sensitive areas of the park.

  7. Environmental Considerations: Filmmakers are expected to minimize their impact on park resources and comply with environmental regulations. This may include restrictions on the use of vehicles, equipment, and materials that could damage parkland or disturb wildlife.

  8. Coordination with Park Staff: Filmmakers are required to coordinate closely with NYC Parks staff throughout the filming process. This includes obtaining necessary approvals, following park rules and regulations, and addressing any concerns or issues that may arise during filming.

It's important to note that specific rules and requirements for filming in NYC parks may vary depending on the location, size, and nature of the production. Filmmakers are encouraged to contact NYC Parks directly or visit their website for more information and guidance on obtaining permits and complying with park regulations.