Filming at historic federal government buildings in New York City typically requires obtaining permission and permits from the appropriate authorities. Historic federal government buildings often have specific regulations in place to protect their historical significance and ensure security.

Here's a general guideline on how to proceed:

  1. Identify the Building: Determine which specific historic federal government building you are interested in filming at. Examples in New York City might include the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, the U.S. Courthouse, or Federal Hall National Memorial, among others.

  2. Contact the Building Management or Custodian: Reach out to the management or custodial authority responsible for the building. This may be the General Services Administration (GSA) for many federal properties, or it could be a different entity depending on the building.

  3. Inquire about Filming Permissions: Contact the building management or custodian to inquire about the process for obtaining permission to film on the premises. They will provide you with information on any permits required, fees, insurance requirements, and any specific guidelines for filming in the building.

  4. Submit Necessary Documentation: Once you've obtained the relevant information, you may need to submit an application for filming permits. This may include providing details about your filming project, dates and times of filming, intended locations within the building, equipment to be used, and proof of insurance.

  5. Obtain Approval: After submitting your application and any required documentation, you'll need to wait for approval from the building management or custodian. They may review your request to ensure it aligns with their policies and doesn't disrupt regular operations or compromise security.

  6. Coordinate Logistics: Once your filming request is approved, coordinate logistics with the building management or custodian. They may provide you with guidelines for accessing the building, setting up equipment, and ensuring the safety of personnel and visitors during filming.

It's essential to follow all guidelines and procedures outlined by the building management or custodian to ensure a smooth filming process and maintain the integrity of the historic property. Keep in mind that regulations and requirements may vary depending on the specific building and its custodial authority.